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Influenza A H1N1
Healthy Eating
Sports Day Last Friday
Preparation For The Coming Exam
What I Do After School
What Will I Defend?
Lunar New Year
What I do During Holidays.
My Holidays

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009 @ 7:46 PM
`Influenza A H1N1

Hi Mdm Siti, there is a new virus spreading from person to person and that was first detected in April, 2009. I think the virus started in Mexico.The virus can be called Swine flu or H1N1. Swine flu spread mainly through coughs and sneezes of people who are sick with the virus. A person who get Swine flu will have fever, sore throat and body aches and will eventually die. Our whole school will have a temperature taking every morning to prevent ourselves from getting Swine flu.

Friday, April 3, 2009 @ 7:24 AM
`Healthy Eating

Hi Mdm Siti! We have to eat in order to have the energy to perform our daily tasks and to enjoy the many beautiful things in this world. However, some people do not know what to eat so that they can be healthy. Hence we should not eat too much unhealthy things example: oily food, salty food and others. There is too much unhealthy food that I can't name out, haha.Some of the food adults and children like to eat are french fries, chicken wings, fried fish. We can eat them but do not eat them daily as they are unhealthy. It is also important to eat healthily. Let me tell you why is it important to eat healthily. People who do not eat healthily would experience other effects of eating a poor diet. This could include rotting teeth from eating too many sugary sweets and drinks, mood swings, headaches,tiredness and lethargy, constipation, poor concentration, dull hair, skin and nails, osteoporosis, insomnia, and heart disease due to high levels of cholesterol in the blood amongst others. The healthy food we should eat are: Potatoes, Kumara, Yams, Corn, Taro, Baked beans, Dried beans, Fruits, Wholegrain bread, Cereals, Pasta, Rice and Veggies. The healthy food I like to eat is the fruits and veggies. I aways eat one apple a day and my mother will cook two veggies. I like to eat apple is because it is sweet and yummy and I like to eat veggies is because it is nice and also smells great! I support the school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and veggies. Goodbye!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 8:28 PM
`Sports Day Last Friday

Last Friday is sports day and we don't need to go to school. But we need to go to the stadium at 7:30am in the morning to cheer for our homes and watch the other students run. My sister, Cheryl is one of the runner. She is running for the 4.100 metres. At 7 something, the PE teacher told us where to sit. At 7 something was very cold but at about 10 something was getting hotter and hotter. I was sssssoooo hot!!!!!!!!!! When the PE teacher blew the whistles, than the runners started to run. RUBY! RUBY! RUBY! RUBY GO! RUBY GO! We shouted so loud. But............ at last, we, Ruby get third. Time past and past quickly, it is my sister turn already. I know my sister can run very quickly so I think she can get first, second or third. She is the forth one to run. The third one to run is that Jia Min. When it was her turn to run, she act like she can run very fast. Actually she run very slow. She run until the last one. So my sister also became the last one. My sister know that she is the last one so she walk to the finish line. Time past very fast and it was the end of the day. It is very hot so I don't really enjoy the day.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 6:58 PM
`Preparation For The Coming Exam

Hi Mdm Siti, the exam is coming. I am so nervous. I am scared that if my marks are too low. If my marks are too low, my mother will canned me. I was also very scared that whether the exam paper is difficult or not. I don't want my exam marks to be too low, so I do a lot of my tuition homework. There are some of the question I don't know how to do. The question are too difficult. I also don't know whether by doing tuition work will help or not.It is because last year, there is a maths question on the paper.The question on the paper appears on my tuition Maths book. I still hope that it will help. The last thing that hope that will happen is that I hope that the English paper would be very easy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 7:22 PM
`What I Do After School

Hi Mdm Siti, do you want to know what I do after school?Let me tell you what I do after school from Monday to Friday!

Monday after school,I will sit with my friend and eat lunch together because I have Special Music after school.The Special Music start at 1:30pm and end at 3:30pm.Sometimes after Special Music I will walk home with my friend Jie Han or walk home alone.When I reached home ,it was about 3:40.my will bath first then I eat bread.I will sleep for a while when I wake up,it was already 6 something.I will help my mother to cook rice as my mother was out.

Tuesday after school, I will stay back for High Achiever Maths.My teacher for High Achiever Maths is Mdm Phua.I like the lesson very much because every Tuesday,Mdm Phua will give us lots of interesting maths questions to do.After High Achiever, I will walk back home myself as I got tuition at 3:30pm.When I reached home was about 2:40pm.I will bath then eat rice.Then when I finish eating,I will walk about the house for a while to wait for my turn.Finally it was my turn. When I sit down I wish one and half hour past quickly

Wednesday, after school I will go and find my sister and see whether she got anything that she want me to bring home first.It is because my sister have to stay back but I don't need.After I meet my sister I will just go home straight away.When I reached home, I will throw my bag on the floor. I will bath first then eat.After eating, I will take out my tuition homework to do.When I have finish my tuition homework, it is about 4:30pm and my sister is coming back. When she came back she will not bath first she will eat first.Until 5 something she then will bath.

Thursday after school,me and my sister both don't have stay back.We will go home together.We have tuition at 1:30pm .After my sister turn was my turn to get ready for tuition.I will carry my books for tuition from my table to put on the dinning table.The stack of books was very heavy. my tuition teacher also won't help me carry the books. I think that my tuition teacher is mad. She bought tens books for me altogether. She very unfair lor. She buy about six to eight books for my sister leh!!!

Friday after school, I will wait for my friend Jie Han in the canteen. If she comes out first, she will find a place and sit down and wait for me. I will sit with Jie Han every Friday. It is because we both have Chinese Dance after school. The Chinese Dance starts at 1:30pm to 3:30pm. All of us will meet at the dance room. We will not go to the dance room at 1:30 sharp. We will only go there at about 1:35. It is because the dance teacher always come very late. We start at 1:40. Every Friday, we will only warm up and challenge another group. The teacher will divide us into two group. The first challenge is to do cartwheel. The second one is to kick our leg. Then after that, the teacher will teach us how to do handspring. After Chinese Dance, I will go to the wii and find my sister and we will go home together.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009 @ 4:51 AM
`What Will I Defend?

We are surrounded with friends of different characteristics.Friends can be an influence in our lives.We can share woes and happiness with our friend.

I have a close friend named E-zen.We have known each other for five years.We are like siblings.Once, she was doing a project work with our classmates.She was accused of not doing her share of work.She felt moody and when I learnt about it, I decided to speak up for her.Her group members realised that they had misunderstood her.They made up with her.She was glad that the matter ended happily.From then on,our relationships improved by leaps and bounds.She Thanked me for defending her.

@ 12:40 AM
`Lunar New Year

Mdam Siti, finally New Year have come!I have been waiting for this day to come.Mdam Siti do you know that I have a very wonderful New Year.On Monday 26th the first day of New Year.That morning my whole family went to eat breakfast together.After eating breakfast,we went to my grandmother house.I received a lot of hongbao from them and I was very happy. I hide somewhere and open the hongbao.Inside the hongbao are more than ten dollars or ten dollars.I was very happy at that time.After that ,my whole family and my grandmother and one of my auntie went to the temple.Then my father drive my grandmother and my auntie to their home.My father then drive us home.We bath and change our clothes.Me and my sister have extra time so we count our hongbao money.After we count our money,we will keep it in the prettiest hongbao we have received.After we all are ready ,we set out to Malaysia.When we reached there,I was so happy.I will be staying at Malaysia for two days.I have received a lot of hongbao there too.Me and my sister received the same amount of hongbao but I received more money then my sister.Guess why???It is because.........I......GAMBLE!!!!And on the last day I actually must go back to Singapore in the afternoon.But I begged my father to let me stay there until at night.It is because in the evening there will be fireworks.My daddy really let me stayed until at night.At night,my daddy put the fireworks.It was very beautiful!!! Actually after the fireworks there lucky draw. Last year, I won the lucky draw!But this year I cannot go.It is because I must come back to Singapore already.I cry and pass the lucky draw number to my cousin, Jia Xuan.I was wondering did they won the lucky draw...